After this I will have my first period, 10 Newton.
Our discussion will be on the topic Love's inconsistency by Francesco Petrarch. This topic comes to home. Like Francesco, I am in love with a girl, who is also my delight and my strife. This morning I said goodbye to her. A goodbye which I my hearts says I should have not said. My mind says that I cannot live with her because she belongs to a world different from mine. But eveytime I follow my mind, I am hurt. And eveytime I follow my heart, I fall.
I don't see love is inconsistent. I see all the feelings and the emotions I experienced as part of this great state--Love. For love is infinite, and we humans, cannot understand, all the colors of love. Some of us can see only harmony because we ignore to see the other colors of it. But love is a mixture of all of these.
I love because it is the greatest experience. I rise with love. I fall with love. Life is love. Love is like. There is no real diference. and when we stop...
A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary....