There were times when I could not understand why teachers stay in the profession. I am perfectly sure that many of us are as much qualified as those CEOs whose salaries are astronomically far higher than what many of us are receiving. Surely, teachers would always be happy to think that a student of ten years ago is now very much above in the ladder of success earning money twice the number of digits we are receiving now…, but isn’t that ironic?
Rightly or wrongly, we should accept that many of us count success by the number of digits we have in our paychecks. Yet, most teachers, molders of persons and the fountain of all knowledge ever recorded, stays with the same classroom where we saw them ten years.
Why do we stay?
Rizal, a teacher himself, had long recognized that the youth is the future. I had imagined him thinking to himself , “but the future depends on me….” The future is in the teachers’ hands.
Yes, that sounds so romantic, but should we romanticize the lot most ...
A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary....